Tech Stack

Languages: Java, Go, Python, C#, Node.js, PowerShell, Groovy, TSQL

Tooling: Jenkins, Spinnaker, Terraform, Sonarqube, IQServer, Contrast

Artifact Management: Artifactory, Quay, Nexus, NuGet, Chocolatey

Database: MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle DB, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL

Source Control: GitHub, Bitbucket, TFS, Perforce

Platforms: AWS, Heroku, OpenStack, Hyper-V, Docker, Kubernetes, Hyperforce

Monitoring and Alerting: Grafana, ELK, Splunk, Argus, Prometheus, Graphite, PagerDuty, Datadog

Testing: JUnit, MSTest, Pester, Selenium, Terratest, LocalStack

Project/Work Tracking: Jira, Salesforce, Asana, Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow)

Work Experience

Salesforce - October 2016 to Present

Software Engineering Manager - October 2020 to Present

Manager of the Commerce Cloud Delivery Engineering Team

Distributed across the US, the team provides the services required to reliably release and orchestrate minimally disruptive deployments of software artifacts into Commerce Cloud’s (CC) first party and public cloud environments.

The team works to promote a culture of innovation, quality and service ownership, while ensuring the last mile of the SDLC is efficient, thorough, and complete, guaranteeing the best outcomes for engineering teams and customers.

Core Managerial Values and Mantras:

  • Providing a high level of autonomy and a psychologically safe environment to allow for calculated risk taking and room for failure.
  • Maintaining a honest, trusting channel of communication with direct reports - ensuring everyone has a voice by providing an equitable platform that empowers individuals to speak their mind through weekly team meetings and one on ones.
  • Driving a healthy habit of RCCAs and Post Mortem discussions when issues arise, focusing on lessons learned and areas of improvement.
  • Stressing the importance of continual self-improvement through personal development.
  • Encouraging time for passion projects such as Hackathons and filing patentable work.
  • “Less talking and more doing” - protecting individual contributors from excessive meetings, so they can focus on producing high quality work.
  • “Family first” - allowing reports to maintain a healthy work/life balance, by prioritizing their personal and familial wellbeing.
  • “The proof is in the data” - quantifiable problems promote change. Instilling the value of metrics to strengthen an argument or validate a requirement.
  • “Knowledge is Power” - fostering the importance of regularly holding team demos, tech talks and knowledge transfers to ensure outward growth as a team.
  • “ABD: Always be Documenting” - not only critical to amassing knowledge that can easily be disseminated, but for encouraging healthy asynchronous collaboration.
  • “Success through trust” - delivering projects as promised and on time, while taking accountability when things don’t go as planned.


  • Supporting all areas of career development and HR related tasks.
  • Running Agile ceremonies as the team’s scrum master.
  • Collaborating with the team’s Product Owner for Release Planning - crafting obtainable milestones/deliverables, defining team dependencies and engaging stakeholders to ensure aligned objectives.
  • Drafting executive summaries and forward looking organizational proposals through non biased, evidence backed reviews.
  • Providing a first line of defense for support investigations - triaging requests, collecting logs and engaging stakeholders for additional information.
  • Performing quarterly reviews to ensure PCI/SOX/SOC compliance.

Key Contributions:

  • Defined an escalation and support model via an L4/L5 on-call PagerDuty rotation.
  • Implemented a living “Team Working Agreement” to encapsulate what’s needed for success as a distributed team.
  • Enforced Security Assessment and Change Management requirements for all eligible engineering work.
  • Ensured no slippage in the customer communicated release calendar of ECOM (The CC monolith).

Lead Member Of Technical Staff - May 2018 to October 2020

Joined the newly formed Productivity team and was given the opportunity to lead big impact projects, while continuing to streamline Order Management’s development life-cycle. Drove initiatives focused on improvements to process, communication, efficiency and cohesiveness.

  • Led the efforts for migrating all CC users and repositories from Bitbucket to GitHub Enterprise (650+ repositories and 40+ teams):
    • Designed an organizational template for GitHub Enterprise, using an internal Salesforce Org (GUS) as a source of truth.
    • Drafted front-facing documentation and presented project touch-points at monthly All Hands.
    • Engaged Release Management to ensure the necessary considerations were made from an auditing/compliance/qualification perspective and re-worked any integrations lacking feature parity.
    • Conceived a backup and recovery process for any repositories “left behind”.
  • Prioritized efforts to reduce administrative overhead:
    • Architected a process to automatically sync GUS Scrum teams to GitHub Enterprise.
    • Converted all CC Jenkins instances to use GitHub OAUTH.
  • Played a vital role in the “ECOM Blue Build” initiative:
    • Developed an automated process for collecting Jenkins metrics to define job health baselines, alert on repetitive failures and report trends over time.
    • Wrote a PR auditing tool to gauge the health of newly introduced status checks prior to enforcement.
  • Laid the groundwork for the testing and development standards for a heavily used Jenkins shared library.
  • Chartered the team’s SLAs and KPIs.

Senior Member of Technical Staff - October 2016 to May 2018

Embedded in the CC Order Management team, with a focus on streamlining and improving the software development life-cycle.

Nuance Communications - January 2013 to October 2016

Systems & Infrastructure Manager – June 2014 to October 2016

Transitioned to managing the CRM systems utilized by Nuance’s support teams worldwide. Challenged to streamline and improve system workflows to better the customer’s experience and lower cost per touch.

Senior Systems Support Analyst - January 2013 to June 2014

Upon acquisition of Control Systems/Copitrak, shifted back to a technical role, with a focus on resolving issues escalated from North American customers.

Control Systems/Copitrak – July 2010 to January 2013

Technical Support Manager/Senior Systems Engineer

Promoted to oversee all technical operations for the Florida market, while liaising with sales and head office to promote expansive growth throughout the region.